Ferdousi Manjira, Author at Ferdousi Manjira https://ferdousimanjira.com/author/mimi107/ Ferdousi Manjira's Daily Blog Sun, 06 Oct 2024 17:10:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7 https://ferdousimanjira.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/cropped-Ferdousi-Manjira-Web-32x32.png Ferdousi Manjira, Author at Ferdousi Manjira https://ferdousimanjira.com/author/mimi107/ 32 32 40 Best Inspiring Quotes to Motivate and Uplift you https://ferdousimanjira.com/40-best-inspiring-quotes-to-motivate-and-uplift-you/ https://ferdousimanjira.com/40-best-inspiring-quotes-to-motivate-and-uplift-you/#respond Sun, 06 Oct 2024 17:10:56 +0000 https://ferdousimanjira.com/?p=173 Inspiring Quotes:- “It is confidence in our bodies, minds,…

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Inspiring Quotes:-

“It is confidence in our bodies, minds, and spirits that allows us to keep looking for new adventures.” — Oprah Winfrey

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

“When you give joy to other people, you get more joy in return. You should give a good thought to the happiness that you can give out.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

“Each day comes bearing its gifts. Untie the ribbon.” — Ann Ruth Schabacker

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” — Nelson Mandela

“The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.” – Amelia Earhart

“Do or do not. There is no try.” – Yoda

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” – Alice Walker

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” – Lao Tzu

“If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.” – Booker T. Washington

If you want to lift yourself up ... Motivational Quotes

“But failure has to be an option in art and in exploration — because it’s a leap of faith. And no important endeavor that required innovation was done without risk. You have to be willing to take those risks.” — James Cameron

“People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within.”- Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

“Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.” — Dale Carnegie

“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” – Henry Ford

“Don’t count the days, make the days count.” — Muhammad Ali

“If you risk nothing, then you risk everything.” — Geena Davis

If you Risk Nothing ... Motivational Uplifting Quotes

“Definitions belong to the definers, not the defined.” — Toni Morrison

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney

“Fear is the disease. Hustle is the antidote.” – Travis Kalanick

“The question I ask myself almost every day is, ‘Am I doing the most important thing I could be doing?'” – Mark Zuckerberg

“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.” — Maya Angelou

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist.” — Oscar Wilde

“You define beauty yourself, society doesn’t define your beauty.” — Lady Gaga

“If there is no struggle, there is no progress.” – Frederick Douglass

“Permit yourself to change your mind when something is no longer working for you.” – Nedra Glover Tawwab

Motivational Quotes:-

“Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still.” – Chinese Proverb

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” – Anais Nin

“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” – Albert Einstein

“When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.” — Elon Musk

“There is only one way to avoid criticism: Do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.” – Aristotle

Avoid Criticism Quotes

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” — Charles R. Swindoll

“When you change your thoughts, remember to also change your world.” – Norman Vincent Peale

“We cannot solve problems with the kind of thinking we employed when we came up with them.” — Albert Einstein

“Learn as if you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow.” — Mahatma Gandhi

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” —Thomas Edison

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” — George Eliot

“Small is not just a stepping stone. Small is a great destination itself.” ― Jason Fried

“Live out of your imagination, not your history.” —Stephen Covey

Live out Your Imagination   Inspirational Quote

“The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.” ― Arthur C. Clarke

“Stop chasing the money and start chasing the passion.” – Tony Hsieh

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” – Charles Darwin

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Osho Quotes On Love, Life And Happiness || Osho’s Best Quotes https://ferdousimanjira.com/osho-quotes-on-love-life-and-happiness/ https://ferdousimanjira.com/osho-quotes-on-love-life-and-happiness/#respond Sat, 27 Jul 2024 14:33:12 +0000 https://ferdousimanjira.com/?p=156 Osho is one of the most provocative and inspiring…

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Osho is one of the most provocative and inspiring spiritual teachers of the twentieth century. His teachings emphasize individual freedom, love and self awareness. He encouraged people to question societal norms and explore their own consciousness. Osho Quotes –

Here are some inspiring quotes from Osho on love, life and Happiness :-

Love is not a relationship. Love is a state of being; it has nothing to do with anybody else. One is not ‘in love’; one is love.” — Osho

Love is a spiritual phenomenon; lust is physical. Ego is psychological; love is spiritual.” — Osho

You don’t know what love is if you have not loved yourself.” — Osho

Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation.” — Osho

If you love a person, you accept the total person. With all the defects, all the ugly points, all the shortcomings, all the failures.” — Osho

Love and meditation are two aspects of the same coin. Without love, meditation has no fragrance; without meditation, love has no depth.” — Osho

Love is the goal, life is the journey.” — Osho

Love is a spiritual experience – nothing to do with sexes and nothing to do with bodies, but something to do with the innermost being.” — Osho

Love is happy when it is able to give something. Ego is happy when it is able to take something.”- OSHO

Love is the opposite of [lust]: respecting the other as an end unto himself or herself. When you love someone as an end unto himself, then there is no feeling of hurt; you become enriched through it. Love makes everybody rich.” — Osho

Love the person, but give the person total freedom. Love the person, but from the very beginning make it clear that you are not selling your freedom.” — Osho

Even if they can find a lover they demand perfection, and the love is destroyed because of that demand.” — Osho

Love is a rose flower in your being, but prepare your being. Dispel the darkness and the unconsciousness. Become more and more alert and aware, and love will come of its own accord, in its own time. You need not worry about it. And whenever it comes it is always perfect.” — Osho

Only meditators know what love is.” — Osho

Love first has to happen in the deepest core of your being. It is the quality of being alone, happily alone, joyously alone. It is the quality of being a no-mind, of being silent. Contentless consciousness is the space, the context, in which love arises in you.” — Osho

Love needs immense consciousness. Love is a meeting of two souls, and lust is the meeting of two bodies. Lust is animal; love is divine. But unless you know that you are a soul, you cannot understand what love is.” — Osho

Love is a spiritual experience – nothing to do with sexes and nothing to do with bodies, but something to do with the innermost being.” — Osho

Love arises out of deep respect and gratitude, seeing your beauty and grandeur, seeing your unconditional love which asks nothing in response, not even love.” — Osho

Life is not a problem. To look at it as a problem is to take a wrong step. It is a mystery to be lived, loved, experienced.” — Osho

A little foolishness, enough to enjoy life, and a little wisdom to avoid the errors, that will do.” — Osho

Life begins where fear ends.” — Osho

Respect Life, revere life. There is nothing more holy than life, nothing more divine than life.” — Osho

Once you have started seeing the beauty of life, ugliness starts disappearing. If you start looking at life with joy, sadness starts disappearing.” — Osho

You feel good, you feel bad, and these feelings are bubbling from your own unconsciousness, from your own past. Nobody is responsible except you.” — Osho

Life repeats itself mindlessly – unless you become mindful, it will go on repeating like a wheel.” — Osho

I love this world because it is imperfect. It is imperfect, and that’s why it is growing; if it was perfect it would have been dead.” — Osho

The moment you accept yourself, you become beautiful.” — Osho

I live my life based on 2 principles. One, I live as if today was my last day on earth. Two, I live today as if I am going to live forever.” — Osho

Happiness has nothing to do with what you have or don’t have. Happiness is related to what you are. However many things you may collect, perhaps they may increase your worries, your troubles, but happiness will not increase because of them. Certainly unhappiness will increase with them, but they have no relation to an increase in your happiness.” — Osho

You are being taught everything, but you are not being taught to be yourself. This is the ugliest form of society possible, because it makes everybody miserable.” — Osho

Happiness has nothing to do with success. Happiness has nothing to do with ambition, happiness has nothing to do with money, power, prestige. It is a totally different dimension. Happiness has something to do with your consciousness, not with your character.” — Osho

Happiness is always with you. It has nothing to do with the weather, it has nothing to do with chopping wood, it has nothing to do with digging a hole in the garden. Happiness has nothing to do with anything. It is just the non expectant, relaxed, at-ease state of your being with existence. And it is there; it does not come and go. It is always there, just like your breathing, your heartbeat, the blood circulating in your body.” — Osho

If you are in pursuit of happiness one thing is certain: You are not going to get it. Happiness is always a by-product. It is not the result of a direct pursuit.”— Osho

Unlearn all that you have learned up to now. Forget your past, disconnect yourself, don’t look back. Look in the moment, in the present, and be in a totally relaxed state, available.”— Osho

Come out of the future! It is your dream. You are not supposed to go anywhere. Be happy wherever you are.”— Osho

If you start listening to the body, listening to the nature, listening to your inner being, you will be more and more happy.”— Osho

Learn to be in the present. Withdraw your energy from the past. Don’t waste your time in memories; what is gone is gone — say goodbye to it and close the chapter.” — Osho

Happiness needs no cause. It is your simple nature, you are intrinsically happy. No cause, no purpose, no goal is needed. Life is in itself enough. It needs nothing else to complete it. It is complete! It is entire! It is already what it has to be. So there is no purpose in existence and no goal in existence. Existence is a sheer dance.”— Osho

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‘Think Again: The Power of knowing What You Don’t Know’ By Adam Grant https://ferdousimanjira.com/think-again-quotes-by-adam-grant/ https://ferdousimanjira.com/think-again-quotes-by-adam-grant/#respond Sun, 23 Jun 2024 18:22:33 +0000 https://ferdousimanjira.com/?p=136 Think Again Quotes by Adam Grant Have you ever…

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Think Again Quotes by Adam Grant

Have you ever believed something so deeply only to discover you were wrong? What if I told you that changing your mind isn’t a sign of weakness, but a hallmark of strength? ‘Think Again: The Power of knowing What You Don’t Know’ by Adam Grant is a compelling exploration of the importance of rethinking and unlearning in a rapidly changing world. The main idea of the book is about the value of rethinking.

In his book, Grant explains the importance of humility in our knowledge and the necessity of staying open to learning and changing our minds. He provides fascinating research and practical guidance on becoming more flexible in our thinking and helping others to be more open-minded as well. In this article we explore the transformative power of “Think Again” quotes – a collection of wise words designed to prompt us to reconsider our views, challenge our assumptions, and perhaps change our minds. Through these insights, we aim to unlock a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

“Thinking like a scientist involves more than just reacting with an open mind. It means being actively open-minded. It requires searching for reasons why we might be wrong—not for reasons why we must be right—and revising our views based on what we learn.” – Adam Grant (Think Again)

If knowledge is power, knowing what we don’t know is wisdom”– Adam Grant (Think Again)

“The less intelligent we are in a particular domain, the more we seem to overestimate our actual intelligence in that domain.”– Adam Grant (Think Again)

We laugh at people who still use Windows 95, yet we still cling to opinions that we formed in 1995.”– Adam Grant (Think Again)

“We listen to views that make us feel good, instead of ideas that make us think hard.”– Adam Grant (Think Again)

It’s a sign of wisdom to avoid believing every thought that enters your mind. It’s a mark of emotional intelligence to avoid internalizing every feeling that enters your heart.”– Adam Grant (Think Again)

“How do you know? It’s a question we need to ask more often, both of ourselves and of others. The power lies in its frankness. It’s nonjudgmental—a straightforward expression of doubt and curiosity that doesn’t put people on the defensive.”– Adam Grant (Think Again)

We don’t have to upend our entire paths to rethink some of our plans. – Adam Grant (Think Again)

“We favour the comfort of conviction over the discomfort of doubt.”– Adam Grant (Think Again)

A mark of lifelong learners is recognizing that they can learn something from everyone they meet.”– Adam Grant (Think Again)

“Intelligence is traditionally viewed as the ability to think and learn. Yet in a turbulent world, there’s another set of cognitive skills that might matter more: the ability to rethink and unlearn.” – Adam Grant (Think Again)

People often become attached to best practices. The risk is that once we’ve declared a routine the best, it becomes frozen in time.” – Adam Grant (Think Again)

“When you’re wrong, it’s not something to be depressed about. Say, ‘Hey, I discovered something!” – Adam Grant (Think Again)

We live in a rapidly changing world, where we need to spend as much time rethinking as we do thinking.” – Adam Grant (Think Again)

“The curse of knowledge is that it closes our minds to what we don’t know.” – Adam Grant (Think Again)

After all, the purpose of learning isn’t to affirm our beliefs; it’s to evolve our beliefs.” – Adam Grant (Think Again)

“We learn more from people who challenge our thought process than those who affirm our conclusions. Strong leaders engage their critics and make themselves stronger. Weak leaders silence their critics and make themselves weaker. This reaction isn’t limited to people in power. Although we might be on board with the principle, in practice we often miss out on the value of a challenge network.” – Adam Grant (Think Again)

We all have blind spots in our knowledge and opinions. The bad news is that they can leave us blind to our blindness, which gives us false confidence in our judgement and prevents us from rethinking.” – Adam Grant (Think Again)

Our convictions can lock us in prisons of our own making. The solution is not to decelerate our thinking – it’s to accelerate our rethinking.” – Adam Grant (Think Again)

“Focusing on results might be good for short-term performance, but it can be an obstacle to long-term learning.” – Adam Grant (Think Again)

The worst performers are the most overconfident.” – Adam Grant (Think Again)

“You can be confident in your ability to achieve a goal in the future while maintaining the humility to question whether you have the right tools in the present.” – Adam Grant (Think Again)

The better you are at crunching numbers, the more spectacularly you fail at analyzing patterns that contradict your views. – Adam Grant (Think Again)

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The Metamorphosis | Franz Kafka | Existentialism, Alienation, Absurdity | ‘The Metamorphosis’ Quotes https://ferdousimanjira.com/the-metamorphosis-quotes-by-franz-kafka/ https://ferdousimanjira.com/the-metamorphosis-quotes-by-franz-kafka/#respond Mon, 20 May 2024 18:59:10 +0000 https://ferdousimanjira.com/?p=112 Franz Kafka (3 July 1883-3 june 1924) was one…

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Franz Kafka (3 July 1883-3 june 1924) was one of the major German-language fiction writers of the 20th century. His work fuses elements of alienation, existential anxiety, surrealistic predicaments and the absurdity of bureaucracy. Kafka’s works
Kafka’s works – including the stories Das Urteil (1913, “The Judgement”), In der Strafkolonie (1920, “In the Penal Colony”); the novella Die Verwandlung(“The Metamorphosis”); and unfinished novels Der Prozess (“The Trial”) and Das Schloß (“The Castle”) – have come to embody the blend of ab- surd, surreal and mundane which gave rise to the adjective “kafkaesque“. He died in obscurity in 1924 at the age of 40 from tuberculosis.

“The Metamorphosis” is a German-language novel by Franz Kafka, first published in Germany in 1915. It is cited as the outstanding work of 20th-century German fiction and is the subject of study in colleges and universities throughout the Western world.

“The Metamorphosis” tells the story of traveling salesman Gregor Samsa, who wakes up one morning to discover himself inexplicably transformed into a giant insect. As Gregor struggles to come to terms with his new form, his family’s reaction to his transformation becomes a reflection of their own inner turmoil and alienation.

One of the central themes of “The Metamorphosis” is the alienation of the individual in modern society. The Metamorphosis” in the story, Gregor has devoted himself to his family and the absurd situation of becoming an insect has left him alienated from other humans.
Gregor’s transformation into an insect symbolizes his estrangement from both himself and his surroundings. Kafka masterfully portrays the psychological effects of isolation and disconnection, highlighting the dehumanizing forces at play in the modern world.

As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect.”- Franz Kafka

“He thought back on his family with deep emotion and love. His conviction that he would have to disappear was, if possible, even firmer than his sister’s. He remained in this state of empty and peaceful reflection until the tower clock struck three in the morning. He still saw that outside the window everything was beginning to grow light. Then, without his consent, his head sank down to the floor, and from his nostrils streamed his last weak breath.”

  • Franz Kafka

What’s happened to me,’ he thought. It was no dream.”-Franz Kafka

“I cannot make you understand. I cannot make anyone understand what is happening inside me. I cannot even explain it to myself.”-Franz Kafka

The fact was he had in the past couple of days forgotten entirely about the faceless man who lived behind the image.”-Franz Kafka

“As soon as he had had this thought, he felt as if a slightly line of pleasure ran through his body.”-Franz Kafka

The door itself was of such proportions and so heavy that it had been made to look more imposing than it really was.”-Franz Kafka

“He realized now that he was reduced to nothing more than an animal, although he was still capable of human feelings.”-Franz Kafka

No one but me can force me to do anything, I thought to myself.”-Franz Kafka

“He was filled with a tremendous urge to crawl into bed and sleep, which he obeyed immediately.”-Franz Kafka

Now it was clear to Gregor that his situation was desperate and that he had no hope of improving it.”-Franz Kafka

“Gregor’s only mistake had been in not having started to learn the nature of humans earlier on.”-Franz Kafka

It was not his fault that he had been put in this humiliating position.”-Franz Kafka

Franz Kafka Quote 03

“Gregor was so oddly comforted by these last words that he almost forgot his terror of the chief clerk.”-Franz Kafka

He had begun to realize that in his present condition he was no longer capable of carrying out his family’s desires.”- Franz Kafka

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“Think Straight” Book Quotes | Darius Foroux Quotes https://ferdousimanjira.com/think-straight-book-quotes-darius-foroux-quotes/ https://ferdousimanjira.com/think-straight-book-quotes-darius-foroux-quotes/#respond Sat, 11 May 2024 17:00:41 +0000 https://ferdousimanjira.com/?p=100 “Think Straight” by Darius Foroux is a practical guide…

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“Think Straight” by Darius Foroux is a practical guide to critical thinking and decision-making. Foroux provides actionable strategies to sharpen your thinking skills, navigate complexity, and make better choices in both personal and professional life. The book emphasizes the importance of clarity, rationality, and evidence-based reasoning in an increasingly noisy and chaotic world. Readers praise its straightforward approach and practical advice for improving mental clarity and decision-making abilities.

“Think Straight” by Darius Foroux offers many insightful quotes. Here are a few :

The quality of our thoughts determines the quality of our lives. And our decisions are a result of our thoughts.”- Darius Foroux

If we want to think straight at all times, we must stay grounded, look at facts, listen to other people’s perspectives, and only then draw practical conclusions.”- Darius Foroux

Good things come to those who wait,”- Darius Foroux

I’ve often been too hard on myself because I didn’t have an instant answer to my personal problems. That doesn’t make you dumb. It makes you human.”- Darius Foroux

I challenge you, try it for a day. Every two hours or so, sit down and write about what you’re thinking at that very moment. Just don’t get scared of yourself. Most of our thoughts make no sense at all.”- Darius Foroux

What I’m trying to say is that when someone asks you a question, it’s okay to say, “I don’t know.” You can also say that to yourself. I’ve often been too hard on myself because I didn’t have an instant answer to my personal problems. That doesn’t make you dumb. It makes you human.”- Darius Foroux

Some things in life you must experience to know what they’re like in reality.”-Darius Foroux

No matter what you experience in life, and no matter what happens to you, your mind should stay calm under all circumstances.” -Darius Foroux

These quotes encapsulate the essence of the book, which focuses on personal development, productivity, and mindset.

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What is Depression ? Understanding the Common Symptoms of Depression https://ferdousimanjira.com/common-symptoms-of-depression/ https://ferdousimanjira.com/common-symptoms-of-depression/#respond Sun, 31 Dec 2023 13:25:42 +0000 https://ferdousimanjira.com/?p=77 What is Depression ? Depression is a common and…

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What is Depression ?

Depression is a common and complex mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is a prevalent and severe medical condition characterized by a persistent negative impact on emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Fortunately, it is treatable. Symptoms include feelings of sadness, a diminished interest in once-enjoyable activities, and can lead to both emotional and physical challenges, impacting daily functioning at work and home. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to understanding depression and identifying its common indicators.

One of the hallmark signs of depression is persistent sadness or a low mood that lasts for an extended period. Individuals may feel overwhelmed by feelings of emptiness or hopelessness, impacting their daily functioning.

Depression can manifest physically through changes in appetite and sleep. Some individuals may experience a significant loss of appetite and weight, while others may turn to overeating. Similarly, disruptions in sleep patterns, such as insomnia or excessive sleeping, are common indicators.

A noticeable shift in interest and participation in once-enjoyable activities is a key sign of depression. Hobbies and social engagements that used to bring joy may become burdensome or uninteresting, contributing to a sense of isolation.

Individuals dealing with depression often experience persistent fatigue and low energy levels. Simple tasks may feel exhausting, and the motivation to engage in daily activities diminishes.

Depression can lead to negative thought patterns, causing individuals to feel an overwhelming sense of guilt, worthlessness, or self-blame. These feelings can contribute to a cycle of despair and hinder the ability to see positive aspects of life.

Cognitive functions can be impaired in depression, making it challenging to concentrate on tasks or make decisions. This can impact work, academic performance, and overall daily functioning.

Depression is not limited to emotional and cognitive symptoms; it can also manifest physically. Individuals may experience unexplained aches and pains, headaches, or digestive issues without an apparent medical cause.

Depression can alter cognitive processes, distorting one’s perception of reality and self-worth. The mind becomes a battleground between negative thoughts and a desperate search for relief. Suicidal thoughts can manifest as a perceived escape from the unrelenting pain, a misguided belief that death is the only way to end the suffering.

A tendency to withdraw from social interactions is common in depression. Individuals may isolate themselves from friends and family, contributing to a sense of loneliness and exacerbating the emotional impact of the condition.

Depression is a treatable mental disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest in activities. Between 80% and 90% of individuals with depression respond well to treatment. Diagnosis typically involves a comprehensive evaluation by a health professional, including interviews, physical examinations, and sometimes blood tests to rule out underlying medical causes. This process helps identify specific symptoms, consider medical and family histories, and address cultural and environmental factors, enabling the development of a tailored treatment plan.

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Quotes on Love & Life by Ferdousi Manjira | FerdousiManjira.com https://ferdousimanjira.com/quotes-on-love-life-by-ferdousi-manjira/ https://ferdousimanjira.com/quotes-on-love-life-by-ferdousi-manjira/#respond Mon, 20 Nov 2023 03:34:51 +0000 https://ferdousimanjira.com/?p=36 Quotes on Love & Life by Ferdousi Manjira Quote…

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Quotes on Love & Life by Ferdousi Manjira Quote Box

“The ego is prison that we create for ourselves. It keeps us trapped in our limited perception of reality.”

– Ferdousi Manjira

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“Life is a journey of unknowns, filled with risks and uncertainties. But in the midst of chaos, let us find joy, gratitude, and peace, holding onto our loved ones for comfort and strength.”

– Ferdousi Manjira

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“Not all things of beauty are necessarily a blessing.”

– Ferdousi Manjira

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“True freedom is not just the ability to do what you want, but also the knowledge of what you should not do. Otherwise, you may end up the dumps without even realizing it.”

– Ferdousi Manjira

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“True love is a path of spiritual growth, where two hearts walk together towards their purpose.”

– Ferdousi Manjira

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“Love is the melody that turns the chaos of life into a beautiful symphony.”

– Ferdousi Manjira

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“Believe in the unseen, for it’s in the spaces between thoughts that miracles reside.”

– Ferdousi Manjira

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“Don’t let someone else’s words shape your opinion of a person. Take the time to get to know them yourself before passing judgement.”

– Ferdousi Manjira

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“True wealth lies in meaningful relationships, not material possessions.”

– Ferdousi Manjira

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“Death is not a sudden event, but a gradual process that begins with birth. Each day, we take small steps towards our inevitable end. The fear of death is not a true fear, but rather a recognition that life and death are two sides of the same coin.”

– Ferdousi Manjira

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“Small acts of gratitude can transform our world and bring happiness.”

– Ferdousi Manjira

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“Empty talk may be effortless, but it lacks substance. Judge people by the sincerity in their actions, not the eloquence of their words.”

– Ferdousi Manjira

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“Embrace your uniqueness and let your confidence soar. The world needs your authentic light.”

– Ferdousi Manjira

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“Self-pity is a comfortable prison, but self-belief is the key that sets us free.”

– Ferdousi Manjira

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“Happiness is a Sunbeam that warms the soul and paints the world in vibrant hues.”

– Ferdousi Manjira

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“Beauty is diverse, but character is the masterpiece. In a world quick to judge, let your heart’s authenticity be your guiding light. For when kindness and compassion radiate from within, even the harshest critics are left in awe, or simply left behind.”

– Ferdousi Manjira

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“Unlocking the mysteries within, self-knowledge is the compass guiding us through the labyrinth of our own existence.”

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“In solitude’s embrace, our inner self finds a reflective mirror.”

– Ferdousi Manjira

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